Can You Substitute Sweet Potatoes for Pumpkin?

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Can You Substitute Sweet Potatoes for Pumpkin?

Sweet Potato Time

This time of year it seems like pumpkin is getting all the love, but we’d like to make a case for Sweet Potatoes. Not only are they high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, good for gut health, and low in sugar, you can use sweet potatoes almost anywhere you’d use pumpkin. But don’t just settle for a substitute! Check out some recipes below that star sweet potatoes without apology.

Substituting with Sweet Potatoes

You can substitute sweet potato for pumpkin at a 1-to-1 ratio–for every cup, teaspoon or tablespoon of pumpkin, use the same amount of sweet potato. If you’re using Stahlbush Sweet Potatoes or Stahlbush Colorful Sweet Potatoes, just cook and mash into a puree. Here’s the equivalent amounts of puree for pounds of raw pumpkin:

  • 2½-pound pumpkin = 1¾ cups puree
  • 3½-pound pumpkin = 2½ cups puree
  • 5-pound pumpkin = 2¾ cups puree
  • 6-pound pumpkin = 2¾ cups puree

What’s so special about our sweet potatoes? We’ve been growing them here in the fertile Willamette Valley in Oregon for decades, using sustainable farming methods that not only ensure the quality of the food we produce, but also makes sure that we are taking care of the land while we’re producing it, so our high-quality crops don’t come at the cost of soil health, environmental damage, or habitat destruction.

As a certified sustainable farm, we take everything around us into account while producing fresh, healthy produce. And that’s not all! You can enjoy Stahlbush Sweet Potatoes’ great flavor while knowing that they are also produced with green energy! That’s right, we take the food waste and agricultural scraps that most farms throw away and use them to create green energy that filters the water, produces heat, and gives us energy to run our processing plant right on the farm. Having everything right there helps us create the freshest taste possible and also cuts down on carbon emissions because we don’t have to haul away our harvest to process it. We are truly farm to table!

Goat Cheese Whipped Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are as versatile as they are healthy!

Our Favorite Sweet Potato Recipes

Here are some amazing Sweet Potato recipes that use this versatile food in ways you might not expect!

1. Sweet Potato and Tomato Sauce – If pasta sauce routinely gives you heartburn, adding sweet potato can balance the acidity while bringing a sweet and creamy texture to the sauce without any added sugar.

2. Roasted Sweet Potato Stout Shepard’s Pie – This is a hearty fall or winter dish that will warm you up! Roasted, mashed Sweet Potatoes top this mix of beef and classic mixed veggies in a one-pot meal that tastes like home.

3. Sweet Potato Lentil Curry – This recipe has all the delicious umami of a curry with lentils and sweet potatoes doing the heavy lifting for a satisfying vegetarian meal that won’t leave you hungry!

4. Sweet Potato Smoothie Bowl – Oh yeah, we did that! For this recipe, we are tapping in some Farmer’s Market Organic Sweet Potato goodness for this easy-to-make, five-ingredient breakfast treat. What a great way to start the day!

5. Maple Sweet Potato Pie – Finally, for our entry into the dessert category, no list would be complete without a sweet potato pie! This delectable take features all the flavors of fall piled on top in a pecan streusel. This recipe makes 4 mini-pies. No sharing! Now what can top that?

What’s Your Favorite Sweet Potato Recipe?

Do you have a family favorite, a recipe your discovered or a favorite way to eat our sweet potatoes? Let us know! You can send us a pic, leave a review here, or tag us on social media @StahlbushIslandFarms.

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