Browned Butter Sweet Corn Ice Cream

Browned Butter Sweet Corn Ice Cream
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  • 4 cups of heavy whipping cream
  • 1 bag of frozen Stahlbush Super Sweet Corn
  • ⅓ cup + 7 tablespoons of maple syrup
  • 3 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • 5 egg yolks
  • ¾ teaspoons of sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla
  • ½ cup of brown butter
  • 1 tablespoon of vodka
  1. Melt the butter in a pan over medium heat occasionally swirling the pan so the butter cooks evenly. When the butter melts it’ll start to foam. Once the milk solids drop and the butter turns a toasty brown it’s done. You’ll be able to tell by the nutty smell that the butter is done. Remove from heat and separate the browned milk solids from the butter. Use the leftover butter for baking or cooking.
  2. Place your ice cream bowl in the freezer the night before.
  3. Add the heavy cream and add Stahlbush Sweet Corn to a medium-sized saucepan cook over medium heat stirring occasionally. Before the mixture comes to a boil remove from heat and let the corn infuse in the heavy cream for an hour.
  4. Once the corn is done infusing into the heavy cream add the mixture to a high-speed blender and puree. Using a fine-mesh strainer strain the mixture and add the mixture back into the medium-sized saucepan. Add the maple syrup and brown sugar and cook over medium heat stirring occasionally.
  5. While the heavy cream mixture is cooking add your eggs to a separate large bowl. Whisk until creamy.
  6. Once the mixture comes to a boil remove it from heat.
  7. Add about one-third of the heavy cream mixture to the eggs and whisk until well incorporated. Then add the mixture back to the saucepan and whisk well.
  8. Add a candy thermometer to the saucepan. Cook the mixture until the temperature reaches 170 remove it while whisking continuously.
  9. Once the base reaches 170 remove it from heat. Strain the mixture using a fine-mesh strainer. Mix in the vanilla bean paste, sea salt, and the browned milk solids.
  10. Store the mixture in a bowl in the fridge overnight. Best if the base is churned within 2-3 days. I usually churn my ice cream the following day.
  11. Next morning set up your ice cream maker.
  12. Remove the base from the fridge and mix in the vodka.
  13. Start your ice cream maker and pour the mixture into the ice cream maker.
  14. If your ice cream maker doesn’t have a setting or doesn’t automatically turn off once it’s done keep an eye on it and set a timer. I usually set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes and just watch the ice cream during that time.
  15. You want the ice cream to be almost the texture of soft serve. It should be thick, but scoopable. NOT HARD! Over churning your ice cream will make your ice cream hard and not very scoopable once it’s frozen. All of the work is really done in the freezer.
  16. Before the ice cream is done line a bread loaf pan with parchment paper.
  17. Add the ice cream to the bread loaf pan and let freeze for 4-6 hours before serving.
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